Intra-Cellular aims to raise $500M; Lilly’s Prevail cuts three partnered programs

Plus, news about TScan Ther­a­peu­tics, Con­nect Bio­Phar­ma, The­olyt­ics and Ul­ti­movacs:

In­tra-Cel­lu­lar Ther­a­pies seeks $500M of­fer­ing: Short­ly af­ter dis­clos­ing a Phase 3 win in de­pres­sion, which could lead to an ex­pand­ed la­bel for bipo­lar treat­ment Caply­ta, the biotech said it plans to raise one of the largest fol­low-on of­fer­ings of the year. The com­pa­ny’s stock $IT­CI closed 23% high­er on Tues­day. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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