Ionis widens eplontersen agreement with AstraZeneca; Inozyme looks to get $60M in public offering

As­traZeneca is pay­ing $20 mil­lion to Io­n­is to gain com­mer­cial­iza­tion rights in Latin Amer­i­ca for a drug wait­ing for the FDA’s sig­noff.

Io­n­is said Fri­day morn­ing that it ex­pand­ed its col­lab­o­ra­tion with the UK phar­ma for eplon­ter­sen, an an­ti­sense drug that is be­ing test­ed for hered­i­tary transthyretin-me­di­at­ed amy­loid polyneu­ropa­thy (AT­TRv-PN), a neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­ease.

In 2021 As­traZeneca gave Io­n­is $200 mil­lion up­front with the po­ten­tial for up to $485 mil­lion in de­vel­op­ment mile­stones and up to $2.9 bil­lion in sales mile­stones. The deal gave the drug­mak­er the rights to the drug out­side the US, ex­clud­ing cer­tain coun­tries in Latin Amer­i­ca.

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