Iovance closes $172.5M offering; Veklury approved for Covid-19 patients with severe renal disease

Just a few days af­ter pric­ing a $150 mil­lion pub­lic of­fer­ing, Io­vance has now closed with 15% more raised, thanks to un­der­writ­ers pitch­ing in.

Io­vance priced on Tues­day, of­fer­ing 20 mil­lion shares at $7.50 each, plus an ad­di­tion­al 3 mil­lion shares at the same price for un­der­writ­ers to pur­chase if they chose to. The $172.5 mil­lion rep­re­sents the gross amount be­fore ac­count­ing for un­der­writ­ing dis­counts, com­mis­sions and oth­er ex­pens­es.

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