Iovance’s $211M offering; Almirall licenses Novo drug; AstraZeneca files Dato-DXd; Sonata layoffs

Plus oth­er news you may have missed from the FTC, Ever­est, Gilead, IsomAb, Oramed, In­novent, Sonata, Lari­mar and Im­munome.

Io­vance Bio­ther­a­peu­tics of­fers $211M in shares: The com­pa­ny is sell­ing more than 23 mil­lion shares for $9.15 each with the of­fer­ing ex­pect­ed to close on Feb­ru­ary 22. The cash should sup­port the launch of Io­vance’s T cell ther­a­py Am­tagvi, which was ap­proved Fri­day, and late-stage stud­ies of its pipeline drugs. — Ay­isha Shar­ma 

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