It takes GUTS to be BOLD: A look at the new biotech tickers

As the pub­lic mar­kets heat up in biotech, in­dus­try in­sid­ers ex­pect a small drum­beat of IPOs lat­er this spring, and that means a new set of stock tick­ers to track.

Next up is BOLD, the pro­posed name of Bound­less Bio’s Nas­daq stock. Us­ing that name would mark a re­turn for the tick­er, which freed up af­ter Astel­las bought Au­dentes Ther­a­peu­tics for $3 bil­lion in 2019. Bound­less is ex­pect­ed to make its Wall Street de­but in the com­ing weeks af­ter un­veil­ing plans to go pub­lic ear­li­er this month.

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