Janux shares up 90% as T cell engager shows early signs of PSA response in prostate cancer

Janux Ther­a­peu­tics’ share price has rock­et­ed on the back of Phase Ia dose-es­ca­la­tion da­ta for its tu­mor-ac­ti­vat­ed T cell en­gager in ad­vanced or metasta­t­ic cas­tra­tion-re­sis­tant prostate can­cer.

The Phase Ia is test­ing the drug, JANX007, in pa­tients with a me­di­an of four or more lines of pri­or ther­a­py, per a com­pa­ny re­lease. The drug can­di­date tar­gets both prostate-spe­cif­ic mem­brane anti­gen (PS­MA) and CD3.

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