Jingle all the way? Pharma marketers adapt their music strategies for channels like TikTok

The long­time ap­peal of mu­sic in phar­ma ad­ver­tis­ing is bleed­ing in­to new chan­nels as mar­keters ex­per­i­ment with re­pur­posed songs and catchy jin­gles on Tik­Tok, In­sta­gram and Face­book.

The grow­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty of these plat­forms is chang­ing how mar­keters think about mu­sic. Gone are the days when jin­gles were pre­served for big brands with big TV bud­gets, re­placed by strate­gies across a va­ri­ety of chan­nels us­ing son­ic brand­ing, ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence and oth­er au­dio tools.

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