JJ Bienaimé is moving out of the C-suite after an 18-year run at BioMarin. And you likely know his successor

Feisty, stub­born Jean-Jacques Bi­en­aimé is step­ping down from the top post at Bio­Marin af­ter an 18-year run with a string of high­lights in 2023. And he’s hand­ing the reins to his care­ful­ly-picked suc­ces­sor: Alexan­der Hardy, the CEO at in­dus­try stal­wart Genen­tech.

The change at the top — as the 70-year-old Bi­en­aimé moves to an ad­vi­so­ry role next year af­ter ex­it­ing the C-suite Dec. 1 —  in­cludes Richard Meier, an in­de­pen­dent di­rec­tor who is mov­ing in­to the role of chair of the board.

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