J&J builds out global manufacturing capacity for CAR-T Carvykti

John­son & John­son is ramp­ing up man­u­fac­tur­ing ca­pac­i­ty for the CAR-T ther­a­py it de­vel­oped with Leg­end Biotech, dri­ven by high de­mand for the Carvyk­ti, ex­ec­u­tives said Tues­day.

“We’ve been pro­gres­sive­ly adding more and more ca­pac­i­ty,” John Reed, J&J’s EVP of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and R&D, said dur­ing a third-quar­ter earn­ings call.

That in­cludes more ca­pac­i­ty at sites in New Jer­sey, Bel­gium and Switzer­land, plus ex­cess ca­pac­i­ty from No­var­tis. J&J and No­var­tis an­nounced plans ear­li­er this year to part­ner on Carvyk­ti man­u­fac­tur­ing. J&J al­so has “an­oth­er fac­to­ry in the Nether­lands to sup­port the lentivirus com­po­nent,” which is set to open next year.

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