J&J can try again to dispute evidence in multidistrict talc litigation

A New Jer­sey fed­er­al judge is al­low­ing John­son & John­son to bring new chal­lenges to ev­i­dence brought by plain­tiffs in the com­pa­ny’s mul­ti­dis­trict talc lit­i­ga­tion.

Judge Michael Shipp is­sued the de­ci­sion Wednes­day, opin­ing that “the emer­gence of new rel­e­vant sci­ence” and changes to a fed­er­al rule gov­ern­ing ex­pert tes­ti­mo­ny make an­oth­er re­view of the ev­i­dence ap­pro­pri­ate. Par­ties must sub­mit their chal­lenges, re­ferred to as Daubert mo­tions, by Ju­ly 23. Op­po­si­tions must be filed by Aug. 22.

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