J&J continues building out psoriasis image library with diverse skin types

John­son & John­son re­leased more da­ta and im­ages as part of its pro­gram to di­ver­si­fy the re­search and ed­u­ca­tion­al ma­te­r­i­al avail­able in der­ma­to­log­i­cal con­di­tions, part of an on­go­ing cam­paign by the drug­mak­er.

Its lat­est Trem­fya study da­ta are spe­cif­ic to scalp dis­ease and in­clude im­age-cap­tur­ing and shar­ing in its grow­ing vi­su­al li­brary of pso­ri­a­sis in di­verse skin types. With­in that li­brary is J&J’s “Be­yond the Text­book” primer aimed at help­ing physi­cians and med­ical stu­dents un­der­stand in­equities in pso­ri­a­sis, ini­tial­ly launched last year.

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