J&J downsizes infectious disease and vaccine pipeline, cutting hepatitis B programs

John­son & John­son has culled sev­en pro­grams from its in­fec­tious dis­ease pipeline since the first quar­ter of the year, most of which are he­pati­tis B ther­a­pies, as part of a “pri­or­i­ti­za­tion” of its R&D busi­ness.

In the Big Phar­ma’s sec­ond quar­ter earn­ings re­port on Thurs­day, its pipeline no longer in­cludes ex­per­i­men­tal treat­ments for he­pati­tis B and D, flu, and some HIV can­di­dates.

J&J had been test­ing JNJ-3989, a com­bo ther­a­py for he­pati­tis B and a he­pati­tis B and D co-in­fec­tion in Phase II tri­als. JNJ-7744 and JNJ-3283 were both in Phase I for he­pati­tis B, while JNJ-0953 was in Phase II for in­fluen­za.

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