J&J employee sues company over alleged mismanagement of prescription drug program

A John­son & John­son em­ploy­ee is go­ing af­ter the com­pa­ny in a pro­posed class ac­tion law­suit in fed­er­al court, al­leg­ing that J&J mis­man­aged its pre­scrip­tion drug ben­e­fits pro­gram and cost em­ploy­ees mil­lions of dol­lars in high pay­ments for pre­scrip­tion drugs.

Ann Lewandows­ki, a J&J health­care pol­i­cy and ad­vo­ca­cy di­rec­tor for Wis­con­sin and Min­neso­ta, filed her com­plaint in a New Jer­sey dis­trict court on Mon­day. Ac­cord­ing to the com­plaint, she is still an em­ploy­ee but is on leave due to a dis­pute over ac­com­mo­da­tion for a med­ical con­di­tion.

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