J&J faces South African competition probe over high tuberculosis drug prices

South Africa’s Com­pe­ti­tion Com­mis­sion is set to probe John­son & John­son amid claims that the Big Phar­ma is charg­ing the na­tion more than dou­ble than the rest of the world for its tu­ber­cu­lo­sis  drug be­daquiline.

In a brief­ing host­ed by the Health Jus­tice Ini­tia­tive (HJI) and oth­er health ad­vo­ca­cy groups, HJI founder Fa­ti­ma Has­san said the in­ves­ti­ga­tion would look at whether J&J’s ex­clu­sion of patents vi­o­lat­ed South African com­pe­ti­tion law.

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