J&J, IBM named in proposed class action lawsuit following data breach

A pro­posed class ac­tion law­suit has been filed against John­son & John­son and IBM over an Au­gust da­ta breach that al­leged­ly put “high­ly sen­si­tive” pa­tient da­ta at risk.

A surge in da­ta breach­es has ex­posed mil­lions of records from some of the top phar­ma gi­ants in re­cent years, ac­cord­ing to a 2022 re­port from dig­i­tal risk pro­tec­tion com­pa­ny Con­stel­la In­tel­li­gence. In the wake of a re­cent at­tack, pa­tients are now ac­cus­ing J&J and IBM of fail­ing to prop­er­ly pro­tect their da­ta and no­ti­fy them of the breach in a time­ly man­ner.

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