J&J inks another Stelara biosimilar settlement, pushing Formycon’s candidate into potential 2025 launch

An­oth­er biosim­i­lar ver­sion of John­son & John­son’s Ste­lara has been de­layed af­ter the phar­ma gi­ant inked a new agree­ment with two Eu­ro­pean drug­mak­ers de­vel­op­ing a biosim­i­lar ver­sion of J&J’s top-sell­ing drug.

Formy­con and Fre­se­nius Kabi an­nounced the set­tle­ment Mon­day morn­ing, say­ing that their ex­per­i­men­tal biosim­i­lar can­di­date to Ste­lara is set to be launched in the US by April 15, 2025.

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