J&J makes small I&I acquisition to enter competitive IL-13, TSLP arena

John­son & John­son said Thurs­day it will pay $850 mil­lion in cash for Pro­te­ologix, a rel­a­tive­ly un­known pri­vate biotech work­ing on treat­ments for im­mune-me­di­at­ed dis­eases, in­clud­ing the crowd­ed field of atopic der­mati­tis.

The deal is rel­a­tive­ly small com­pared to J&J’s re­cent M&A ac­tiv­i­ty, and it’s quite ear­ly: Pro­te­ologix’s lead as­set is “ready to en­ter Phase 1,” ac­cord­ing to a press re­lease.

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