J&J psoriasis drug licensed from Protagonist doesn’t top competition in Phase IIb trial

John­son & John­son’s oral IL-23 that it li­censed from Pro­tag­o­nist Ther­a­peu­tics ap­pears to be a weak­er pso­ri­a­sis treat­ment than some of its in­jectable com­pe­ti­tion, ac­cord­ing to mid-stage tri­al re­sults re­leased Mon­day.

The drug, known as JNJ-2113, would add a pill to J&J’s strong line­up of IL-23-tar­get­ing ther­a­pies. The Phase IIb FRON­TIER 1 tri­al showed that JNJ-2113 hit its pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary end­points, beat­ing place­bo when mea­sur­ing 75% and 90% im­prove­ments in skin le­sions at 16 weeks. Those re­sults held across dose groups, and the re­sults were sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant.

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