J&J showcases more bladder cancer results from ‘pretzel’ drug-device combo

Up­dat­ed da­ta from a tri­al of John­son & John­son’s ex­per­i­men­tal “pret­zel” showed that more than 80% of blad­der can­cer pa­tients who got the treat­ment saw their tu­mors melt away, build­ing on a read­out last year.

The re­sults, re­leased at the Amer­i­can Uro­log­i­cal As­so­ci­a­tion meet­ing on Fri­day, are the lat­est da­ta from J&J’s Sun­RISe-1 tri­al. Out of 58 pa­tients who have re­ceived the treat­ment and had a three-month fol­low-up, 48 (83%) have had a com­plete re­sponse. Last year at ES­MO, J&J re­port­ed that 23 out of 30 (77%) pa­tients achieved a com­plete re­sponse.

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