J&J touts PhII data in rare blood disorder as it plots a pivotal study

Of the moth­ers on J&J’s can­di­date for a rare blood dis­or­der that oc­curs dur­ing preg­nan­cy, more than half achieved a live birth with no in­trauter­ine trans­fu­sions (IUTs), the com­pa­ny said Mon­day.

The phar­ma gi­ant’s Janssen unit un­corked the da­ta months af­ter an­nounc­ing a pos­i­tive topline Phase II read­out in those at high risk of ear­ly-on­set se­vere (EOS) he­molyt­ic dis­ease of the fe­tus and new­born (HDFN). The can­di­date, nipocal­imab, is the lead drug from J&J’s $6.5 bil­lion Mo­men­ta buy­out.

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