J&J unveils PhIIa data of oral antiviral for dengue fever prevention

John­son & John­son’s oral an­tivi­ral has shown hints of ac­tiv­i­ty in a Phase IIa hu­man chal­lenge tri­al for the pre­ven­tion of mos­qui­to-borne dis­ease dengue fever, a cat­e­go­ry his­tor­i­cal­ly rid­dled with chal­lenges.

The tri­al is study­ing three dos­ing reg­i­mens of JNJ-1802 ver­sus place­bo in 54 healthy adults at sites in more than 10 coun­tries. The sub­jects re­ceived treat­ment or place­bo dai­ly and were ex­posed to at­ten­u­at­ed dengue 3 serotype (DENV-3) five days in. They con­tin­ued to get dai­ly treat­ment or place­bo for 26 days.

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