#JPM24 reflections: No politics, no Miami and where the money is in biotech right now

I’m back on­line af­ter a post-JP Mor­gan de­com­pres­sion, and I want­ed to quick­ly gath­er a few thoughts about last week, the state of the in­dus­try, be­ing in San Fran­cis­co and more. If you joined us at our End­points News event, thank you. I’d love to hear what you thought. If you didn’t join, I cer­tain­ly hope we’ll see you next year.

The most packed off-cam­pus event I went to: If you’re won­der­ing where the mon­ey is in biotech right now, NVIDIA and Re­cur­sion’s stand­ing-room-on­ly re­cep­tion and AI talk with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang was quite lit­er­al­ly at the San Fran­cis­co Mint.

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