Just two years after launch, neuro startup Eliem goes hunting for business alternatives

Eliem Ther­a­peu­tics has un­der­gone a strate­gic re­view just two years af­ter launch­ing dur­ing the pan­dem­ic biotech boom.

Eliem said Thurs­day morn­ing it plans to ex­plore a po­ten­tial ac­qui­si­tion, merg­er, busi­ness com­bi­na­tion, or oth­er trans­ac­tion, though it told in­vestors there’s no guar­an­tee that any of the op­tions will pan out. The neu­rol­o­gy-fo­cused biotech joins a host of oth­er biotech com­pa­nies that have had to aban­don their as­pi­ra­tions in an un­re­lent­ing mar­ket, though some are now op­ti­mistic that the sec­tor will re­cov­er in the com­ing months and year.

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