KalVista wants to raise $160M; Prime Medicine’s upsized offering; Applied Tx’s PhIII data

Plus, news about In­tel­lia and Re­Code:

KalVista aims to raise $160M fol­low­ing piv­otal read­out: Ear­li­er this week, the com­pa­ny said its oral drug for hered­i­tary an­gioede­ma helped re­lieve symp­toms of the swelling at­tacks that come with the dis­ease faster than place­bo in a Phase III study. Now, it plans to sell rough­ly 7 mil­lion shares plus pre-fund­ed war­rants for near­ly 3.5 mil­lion shares to raise $160 mil­lion. The biotech ex­pects to sub­mit the treat­ment, known as se­be­tral­stat, for FDA ap­proval in the first half of this year. — Lei Lei Wu

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