Karuna pushes back KarXT data readouts; Vir, GSK end flu collaboration; Silence’s $10M milestone payment

Plus, news about Co­gent and In­di­v­ior:

Karuna de­lays some KarXT read­outs: As the drug­mak­er awaits clos­ing of its large ex­it to Bris­tol My­ers Squibb and a Sep­tem­ber FDA de­ci­sion on its schiz­o­phre­nia drug, the biotech said it has de­layed a trio of study read­outs for the can­di­date, known as KarXT. Topline da­ta from the ARISE study in schiz­o­phre­nia acute psy­chosis are now ex­pect­ed in 2025 rather than the back half of this year, and read­outs from the two ADEPT tri­als in Alzheimer’s dis­ease psy­chosis are now slat­ed for 2026 rather than 2025, William Blair an­a­lyst Myles Minter not­ed. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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