Kentucky is the fourth state to allow insurers to require biosimilar prescriptions before branded versions

Ken­tucky passed a law al­low­ing in­sur­ers to en­cour­age pa­tients to try biosim­i­lar med­i­cines be­fore cov­er­ing the brand­ed equiv­a­lent to ex­pand ac­cess to low­er-cost med­i­cines.

Gov­er­nor Andy Beshear signed the bill in­to law last week, join­ing Arkansas, Cal­i­for­nia and Louisiana in pass­ing sim­i­lar leg­is­la­tion that aims to re­move bar­ri­ers to biosim­i­lars. Specif­i­cal­ly, the law now states that biosim­i­lars, gener­ics and in­ter­change­able bi­o­log­ics can be sub­sti­tut­ed for a ref­er­ence prod­uct.

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