Kenvue, Walgreens and others named in class action lawsuits over efficacy of nasal decongestant

Sev­er­al man­u­fac­tur­ers of over-the-counter cold med­i­cines have been named in a string of class ac­tion law­suits fol­low­ing an FDA ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee’s vote ear­li­er this week that the oral nasal de­con­ges­tant phenyle­phrine is not ef­fec­tive.

The suits were filed in courts across the coun­try against Ken­vue, John­son & John­son’s for­mer con­sumer health unit, Proc­ter & Gam­ble, Bay­er Health­care, GSK Con­sumer Health­care (which re­cent­ly spun off as Ha­le­on), Wal­greens, Wal­mart and oth­ers.

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