Klick Health nabs award-winning creative director Tim Jones to lead team in Europe

Tim Jones is mov­ing to Klick Health. The vet­er­an phar­ma and health agency cre­ative chief and award win­ner joined the in­de­pen­dent agency this week as its ex­ec­u­tive cre­ative di­rec­tor based in Lon­don. He will lead Klick’s EMEA cre­ative team and glob­al ex­pan­sion.

Jones has led cre­ative teams at pow­er­house health and phar­ma agen­cies, most re­cent­ly as chief cre­ative of­fi­cer, phar­ma, at Grey Group. Be­fore that he was ex­ec­u­tive cre­ative di­rec­tor at Mc­Cann Health New York; SVP and group cre­ative di­rec­tor at Area 23; cre­ative di­rec­tor at Havas Lynx Eu­rope; and se­nior art di­rec­tor at Lang­land.

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