Klick Health’s annual holiday greeting plays Secret Santa for its own employees

Klick Health stayed home for its an­nu­al com­pa­ny hol­i­day video.

The health and phar­ma agency typ­i­cal­ly spreads cheer and do­na­tions out­side the com­pa­ny for the an­nu­al video that serves as a hol­i­day greet­ing, agency call­ing card and re­cruit­ing tool. But this year, Klick de­cid­ed to play Se­cret San­ta with its own em­ploy­ees – grant­i­ng their “wish­es” and sur­pris­ing them with sports tick­ets, ad­ven­ture ex­pe­ri­ences, va­ca­tions and even a Teenage Mu­tant Nin­ja Tur­tle cos­tume. The team be­hind the sur­pris­es combed through three years of an in­ter­nal “#Klick-Hap­py” Slack chan­nel that asks dai­ly ran­dom ques­tions to un­cov­er the hopes and dreams of Klick em­ploy­ees.

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