Kodiak ends attempt at an Eylea rival as its biologic fails two of three PhIII trials

Ko­di­ak Sci­ences’ at­tempt at mak­ing an Eylea ri­val for pa­tients with var­i­ous eye con­di­tions has come to an end.

The Cal­i­for­nia biotech is scrap­ping its late-stage bi­o­log­ic af­ter it failed two of three Phase III tri­als. In­vestors halved Ko­di­ak’s shares $KOD be­fore Mon­day’s open­ing bell.

The an­ti-VEGF can­di­date, tar­cocimab tedromer, suc­ceed­ed at show­ing non-in­fe­ri­or­i­ty to Re­gen­eron’s Eylea in one study of 557 pa­tients with wet age-re­lat­ed mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion, or wet AMD, a big con­trib­u­tor to blind­ness. But tar­cocimab failed to show non-in­fe­ri­or­i­ty to the Re­gen­eron block­buster in two late-stage stud­ies of pa­tients with di­a­bet­ic mac­u­lar ede­ma, or DME.

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