KRAS latecomer Roche draws cautious comparisons to Amgen, Mirati in early data

On a quest not just to catch up with, but leapfrog, Am­gen and Mi­rati in the KRAS race, Roche has re­leased ear­ly monother­a­py da­ta on its in-house can­di­date across a va­ri­ety of can­cers.

Roche, which pre­sent­ed some di­vara­sib da­ta at the AACR con­fer­ence in April, spelled out the most com­pre­hen­sive set of re­sults to date around the KRAS G12C in­hibitor de­vel­oped by Genen­tech in the New Eng­land Jour­nal of Med­i­cine. The Phase I study, pub­lished late Wednes­day, fea­tured a to­tal of 137 pa­tients with non-small cell lung can­cer, col­orec­tal can­cer and oth­er sol­id tu­mors.

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