Kristen Hege recounts an important chapter in CAR-T history — and how that compares to an adventurous coastal thru-hike

Biotech Voices is a collection of exclusive opinion editorials from some of the leading voices in biopharma on the biggest industry questions today. Think you have a voice that should be heard? Reach out to Amber Tong.

Ed­i­tor’s note: With some big sup­port from biotech en­tre­pre­neur Bill Haney and Bris­tol My­ers Squibb, long­time can­cer drug re­searcher Kris­ten Hege has raised sub­stan­tial sup­port for a new ef­fort to en­cour­age the re­cruit­ment of women sci­en­tists in­to the Penn lab of Carl June and Bruce Levine. She’s been hik­ing trails along the West Coast for months now, telling her sto­ry about the #trek­for­to­mor­row and the key play­ers in­volved in an im­por­tant chap­ter of CAR-T his­to­ry. This is the fifth col­umn in her se­ries. And we in­vite you to help Kris­ten reach her goal of $500,000 at this link. — Found­ing ed­i­tor, John Car­roll

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