Kristen Hege reflects on the birth of CAR-T research as she reaches the ‘end of the beginning’ of her PCT thru-hike

Biotech Voices is a collection of exclusive opinion editorials from some of the leading voices in biopharma on the biggest industry questions today. Think you have a voice that should be heard? Reach out to Amber Tong.

Once again, Kris­ten Hege is check­ing back in at End­points with her lat­est col­umn in­spired by her 2,658-mile thru-hike along an ad­ven­ture-filled Pa­cif­ic Crest Trail. This col­umn looks back at the ear­ly days of CAR-T re­search work and the key fig­ures that helped pi­o­neer the field.

Hege’s jour­ney has in­spired a wide va­ri­ety of peo­ple to con­tribute a grow­ing, six-fig­ure sum to her cam­paign to raise mon­ey to help re­cruit young women to the lab of Carl June and Bruce Levine, who are fea­tured in the col­umn be­low. This is her fourth col­umn. Please con­sid­er a con­tri­bu­tion of your own as we aim for a $500,000 goal. You can con­tribute di­rect­ly on this link at Penn. — John Car­roll

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