Kronos Bio cuts a fifth of staff, explores new dosing schedule for solid tumor drug

Kro­nos Bio is again re­sort­ing to cost-sav­ing mea­sures to ex­tend its cash run­way af­ter lay­ing off staff and reshuf­fling its pri­or­i­ties around four months ago.

Along with a planned 21% re­duc­tion in work­force, Kro­nos’ re­search repri­or­i­ti­za­tion should ex­tend its run­way through the sec­ond half of 2026, ac­cord­ing to a Thurs­day re­lease. The com­pa­ny had 99 full-time staff as of Sept. 30, per an SEC fil­ing, but in No­vem­ber it cut 19% of its em­ploy­ees to save cash. Kro­nos end­ed Sep­tem­ber last year with cash, cash equiv­a­lents and in­vest­ments worth $198.4 mil­lion.

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ATS completes acquisition of Avidity Science

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