Kyverna seeks $182M IPO as biotech runs multiple autoimmune CAR-T trials

Kyver­na Ther­a­peu­tics aims to be the fifth biotech to IPO in 2024 as the au­toim­mune CAR-T cell ther­a­py mak­er sets its sights on $182 mil­lion in net pro­ceeds from a list­ing as “KYTX.”

If the Cal­i­for­nia biotech fol­lows through with its Nas­daq list­ing be­fore Valen­tine’s Day, as End­points News re­port­ed last month, it would come as mo­men­tum builds in the in­dus­try for a re­turn to the pub­lic mar­kets. CG On­col­o­gy and Ar­riVent kicked things off last week with up­sized of­fer­ings and strong first days. Al­to Neu­ro­science and Fractyl Health are ex­pect­ed to float in the com­ing days.

Endpoints News

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