LabCentral helped create 6,300 jobs and 19 IPOs. Amid a slump, demand for lab space has slowed

When Lab­Cen­tral cel­e­brat­ed its 10th an­niver­sary last year, it was a bit­ter­sweet mo­ment.

The in­cu­ba­tor has helped hun­dreds of biotechs launch and gain their foot­ing. But star­tups, es­pe­cial­ly those with no clin­i­cal da­ta yet, are strug­gling to at­tract cap­i­tal as fi­nanc­ing has dried up across the in­dus­try. Lab­Cen­tral, a key play­er in the start­up scene in the Boston area, found it­self in a unique po­si­tion: Its lab spaces weren’t as ex­clu­sive as they used to be.

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