Lackluster data on Alzheimer’s drugs lead to end of Roche-AC Immune partnership

Roche and Genen­tech have end­ed a near­ly two-decade Alzheimer’s dis­ease part­ner­ship with Swiss biotech AC Im­mune af­ter nu­mer­ous set­backs and cloudy da­ta.

The col­lab­o­ra­tion in­volved work­ing to­geth­er on two Alzheimer’s pro­grams, crenezum­ab and se­morinemab, that will both be re­turned to AC Im­mune, the biotech said in a press re­lease Mon­day. In an emailed state­ment to End­points News, a Roche spokesper­son said in no un­cer­tain terms that da­ta drove the de­ci­sion to end the team-up.

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