Lassen Therapeutics reels in $85M Series B for PhII testing in thyroid eye disease

Lassen Ther­a­peu­tics closed an over­sub­scribed $85 mil­lion Se­ries B on Tues­day morn­ing as the San Diego biotech brings its treat­ment can­di­date for thy­roid eye dis­ease in­to Phase II test­ing.

The Fra­zier Life Sci­ences-found­ed start­up is at­tempt­ing to go in­to a field with mul­ti­ple oth­er biotechs in clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment, but Lassen hopes to carve out its own lane by ap­proach­ing the au­toim­mune dis­ease with a fi­bro-in­flam­ma­to­ry an­gle. Al­so known as TED, the dis­ease caus­es in­flam­ma­tion and some­times bulging in the eyes.

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