Leo Pharma spending $14M upfront to acquire Timber

Leo Phar­ma plans to ac­quire der­ma­tol­ogy biotech Tim­ber Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, which is de­vel­op­ing a treat­ment for a rare, ge­net­ic skin dis­ease.

The pri­vate­ly held Dan­ish bio­phar­ma will pay $14 mil­lion up­front, and Tim­ber can re­ceive up to an­oth­er $22 mil­lion in mile­stone pay­ments, bring­ing the trans­ac­tion’s to­tal po­ten­tial val­ue to $36 mil­lion. The deal is ex­pect­ed to close in the fourth quar­ter of this year.

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