Letters: Colorado veterinarians need help. Allowing vet “PAs” is the answer. – The Cannabist

Creating veterinary “PAs” would provide more care for Colorado pets

Re: “I’m a veterinarian and a lawmaker; don’t let big businesses undermine pet care,” June 13 commentary and “Protecting animals or protectionism? The rhetoric around online vet care,” June 23 commentary

As three veterinarians who have started veterinary hospitals and practiced in Colorado for many years, we would like to express our support for Initiative 145. This November ballot measure would create a new Veterinary Professional Associate (VPA) position in Colorado. Like the Physician’s Assistant (PA) position we have all benefited from for 50 years in human medicine, these individuals would be able to do myriad important tasks for animals in hospitals, clinics and shelter settings, helping to relieve the veterinary shortages that exist now.

Read the rest of this story on TheKnow.DenverPost.com.