Lilly pushes back on the pop culture clamor for obesity drugs in new TV ads

Eli Lil­ly is launch­ing two new TV ads re­lat­ed to its obe­si­ty drug, push­ing back against cos­met­ic use of the drugs while al­so tar­get­ing the stig­ma faced by peo­ple with obe­si­ty.

The stig­ma-tar­get­ing “Shame” ad is sched­uled to run dur­ing the Acad­e­my Awards on Sun­day, while the oth­er ad makes a thin­ly-veiled ref­er­ence to the Os­cars with a mes­sage about the in­ap­pro­pri­ate use of obe­si­ty drugs by peo­ple who don’t need them.

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