Lilly renews Team USA Olympic and Paralympic sponsorship and signs on for Los Angeles 2028 Games

Eli Lil­ly will be back at the Olympics, re-up­ping its spon­sor­ship of Team USA ath­letes and ink­ing an ad­di­tion­al deal for the Los An­ge­les Sum­mer Games in 2028.

Lil­ly is now the of­fi­cial Team USA pre­scrip­tion med­i­cine and health eq­ui­ty part­ner for the next five years and will in­clude “mar­ket­ing and me­dia op­por­tu­ni­ties” with NBCU­ni­ver­sal through its broad­cast cov­er­age of the up­com­ing Olympic and Par­a­lympic Games in Paris (sum­mer 2024), Mi­lan (win­ter 2026) and Los An­ge­les.

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