Lilly says about 70% of patients taking tirzepatide experienced an adverse event

Eli Lil­ly shared more de­tailed da­ta about its GIP/GLP-1 re­cep­tor ag­o­nist tirzepatide on Thurs­day at the Eu­ro­pean As­so­ci­a­tion for the Study of Di­a­betes an­nu­al meet­ing from the SUR­MOUNT-4 study, which is in­ves­ti­gat­ing tirzepatide in pa­tients with over­weight and obe­si­ty who do not have type 2 di­a­betes.

Dur­ing the first 36 weeks of the study, the most com­mon treat­ment-emer­gent ad­verse events were nau­sea, con­sti­pa­tion and vom­it­ing — com­mon side ef­fects for the drug class — and 68.2% of pa­tients tak­ing tirzepatide ex­pe­ri­enced an ad­verse event. From week 36 to 88, 26.3% of pa­tients on tirzepatide ex­pe­ri­enced an ad­verse event com­pared to 10.4% on place­bo.

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