Lilly to pay up to $660M in new deal with PRISM BioLab; Boehringer partners with Phenomic AI

Plus, news about As­cendis Phar­ma, Bi­olex­is, Ape­ri­am Bio, Bio­mX and Ital­far­ma­co:


Eli Lil­ly inks new deal with PRISM Bi­o­Lab: The In­di­anapo­lis Big Phar­ma is mak­ing an undis­closed up­front pay­ment and could even­tu­al­ly pay up to $660 mil­lion to the Japan­ese com­pa­ny for work on pro­tein-pro­tein in­ter­ac­tions. The pact starts with one tar­get, and Lil­ly could add two more. The com­pa­nies kept all oth­er de­tails un­der wraps. PRISM al­ready works with com­pa­nies like Ei­sai, Boehringer In­gel­heim, Mer­ck KGaA and Roche. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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