Lilly touts topline late-phase data for once-weekly insulin in race to enter US market

As No­vo Nordisk stares down an FDA ad­comm lat­er this month to dis­cuss its once-week­ly in­sulin, Eli Lil­ly is work­ing on its own, shar­ing pos­i­tive topline da­ta from two Phase 3 stud­ies for its in­sulin can­di­date named ef­si­to­ra.

In the first tri­al dubbed QWINT-2, once-week­ly ef­si­to­ra hit the pri­ma­ry end­point of non-in­fe­ri­or A1C re­duc­tion com­pared to the dai­ly in­sulin degludec at week 52 in in­sulin-naïve adults with type 2 di­a­betes, with the dataset in­clud­ing some adults who were tak­ing a GLP-1.

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