Lilly’s Verzenio just misses the mark on overall survival in PhIII breast cancer study

Eli Lil­ly’s CDK4/6 in­hibitor Verzenio bare­ly missed the over­all sur­vival end­point in a Phase III clin­i­cal tri­al for ad­vanced breast can­cer.

In the MONARCH 3 study, 493 women re­ceived ei­ther Verzenio plus an aro­matase in­hibitor or place­bo plus an aro­matase in­hibitor as a first op­tion for their HR+, HER2- ad­vanced breast can­cer. The women in the Verzenio arm lived a me­di­an of 13 months longer than those in the place­bo arm — rough­ly 5.6 years com­pared to 4.5 years.

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