Lipocine’s weight loss drug shows early signs of keeping muscle mass in Ph2

Al­though Lipocine’s can­di­date may have de­liv­ered “mod­est” weight loss re­sults, the com­pa­ny nonethe­less tout­ed its abil­i­ty to pre­serve mus­cle mass in a mid-stage tri­al. It not­ed that the drug might be best po­si­tioned as an ad­junct to in­cretin prod­ucts, such as GLP-1s.

The drug, LPCN 2401, con­tains an an­a­bol­ic an­dro­gen re­cep­tor ag­o­nist and the an­tiox­i­dant meta­bol­ic mod­i­fi­er α-al­pha to­co­pherol. It has the po­ten­tial to at­ten­u­ate weight re­bound, mit­i­gate loss of mus­cle mass and boost mus­cle qual­i­ty when added to an in­cretin, Lipocine said.

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