Liquidia wins against United Therapeutics in patent battle over PAH drug

Unit­ed Ther­a­peu­tics has suf­fered two court loss­es in its fight to keep a com­peti­tor for its block­buster drug Ty­va­so (tre­pros­tinil) from en­ter­ing the mar­ket, with fed­er­al judges rul­ing in fa­vor of Liq­uidia and the FDA in sep­a­rate cas­es last week.

Liq­uidia an­nounced Mon­day that a fed­er­al judge in Delaware got rid of a 2022 in­junc­tion that was part of a patent law­suit brought by Unit­ed Ther­a­peu­tics, fi­nal­ly al­low­ing the FDA to ap­prove Liq­uidia’s NDA for Yutrepia, its ver­sion of tre­pros­tinil, an in­haled pow­der that treats pul­monary ar­te­r­i­al hy­per­ten­sion (PAH). With ap­proval, Liq­uidia would be en­ter­ing a block­buster mar­ket: Unit­ed said in its lat­est earn­ings that Ty­va­so brought in $1.2 bil­lion in sales in 2023, a 41% in­crease over the pre­vi­ous year.

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