Local Virginia governments add to insulin lawsuits against Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, others

An east­ern Vir­ginia coun­ty filed suit against Eli Lil­ly, No­vo Nordisk, Sanofi and a hand­ful of phar­ma­cy ben­e­fit man­agers last week over in­sulin prices. It’s the third Vir­ginia lo­cal gov­ern­ment to do so this month.

The com­plaints mark the lat­est in a string of in­sulin pric­ing suits filed by lo­cal and state gov­ern­ments al­leg­ing prac­tices that al­lowed in­sulin list prices to surge while phar­ma­cy ben­e­fit man­agers re­ceived steep dis­counts and re­bates.

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