Longtime cancer R&D chief Peter Lebowitz is taking his final bows at J&J oncology. Now what?

As the head of John­son & John­son’s on­col­o­gy R&D, Pe­ter Lebowitz’s port­fo­lio ran the sci­en­tif­ic gamut, from dis­cov­ery through de­vel­op­ment and on to the big com­bos and post-ap­proval stud­ies that grow ma­jor drug fran­chis­es in the can­cer are­na.

The sheer scope of his ca­reer, run­ning more than 11 years as on­col­o­gy chief, put him in the dri­ver’s seat for a range of big drugs like Darza­lex, a fast-grow­ing mul­ti­ple myelo­ma block­buster which un­der­pins the en­tire com­mer­cial as­pi­ra­tions of a glob­al phar­ma gi­ant that is dou­bling down on its pipeline as the en­gine of rev­enue growth.

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